Installing UiPress is simple and can be done in two ways.

Installing through WordPress Admin

Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the plugins page. Once on the plugin page, click on the add new button.

This will then load the plugin repository, now click the upload plugin button. Click choose file and select the UiPress .zip file you received after purchase.

Once you have selected the file, click install now and WordPress will install the plugin.

Once installed, WordPress will ask if you want to activate the plugin, activate it and UiPress will be successfully installed and active.

Installing Via FTP

You can also install the plugin by adding the contents to the WordPress plugin folder manually.

Connect to your WordPress installation using your FTP client and navigate to the plugins folder /wp-content/plugins/

Upload the UiPress .zip file to this folder and then uncompress the file. Once uncompressed, you can delete the .zip file.

Now go to your WordPress admin area and navigate to the plugins page. You should see UiPress listed in the plugins table.